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Morning Consult: Companies Are Starting to Embrace the Metaverse: A Survey of Tech Employees

Metaverse virtual twin Environments office

In Morning Consult's latest tech piece on the metaverse, Environments' CEO Erin McDannald shares her perspective on the workplace of the future and the metaverse's powerful role within such environments. From Environments' own inspiration to recommendations for those ready to dive in, McDannald details what the metaverse means for workplaces far and wide.

McDannald says,

“I thought, ‘What is the psychological association with the space and the brand?’ And I think there is a really significant need for physical space for companies,” she said. “But I still feel a need for my employees to connect to our brand on a daily basis, even though they’re not in our office.”

Want to learn more about why we're here and where we're going? Check out the full article here!


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